Get Organized for Your Child’s Next IEP Meeting!

This episode is all about getting organized! Be sure to head to to download your FREE binder organization system! CLICK HERE

Being prepared for you child's meeting supports you with being better able to fully participate in your child's IEP meeting and understand the why's of recommendations service providers are making.  But in the ocean of paperwork that you receive for your child, what papers are most important to keep and have at your fingertips to be able to review and bring with you to meetings?

  • In this episode of the Empowered 2 Advocate podcast Michelle and Dana Marie discuss:

  • Why January is a great time to get your child's paperwork in order

  • What paperwork you should have easy access to 

  • How having access to these items will enhance your ability to participate in your child's meeting

  • A quick action step you can take today to get the ball rolling if all of this feels overwhelming 

Be sure to head to to download your Free binder organization system! CLICK HERE

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Video of Empowered 2 Advocate Podcast episode 9: Get organized for your child’s next IEP meeting.

We invite you to schedule your 20 minute complimentary consult with us to discuss ways Empowered 2 Advocate can support you and your child navigate the special education process.

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Click Here for Transcript of Episode 9


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