Top Tips for Creating Your Parent Concern Statement

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If you've been to an IEP meeting for your child, you should be asked about your concerns or, for you parent concern statement.

The parent concern statement is one of the most important parts of the IEP; and a pace for caregivers to express what they are concerned about when it comes to their child's progress in school.

In this episode of the Empowered 2 Advocate Podcast, Dana Marie and Michelle share with you their top tips for creating and writing a parent concern statement that truly captures what you want to share with the team and have included in the IEP.

We discuss:

  • When to submit and share your parent concern statement to the team

  • What topics and pieces of data you might want to share as part of your concern statement

  • How to structure your concern statement to ensure it is concise and easy for the school team to follow

Want support crafting your parent concern statement? We can help! Schedule your initial consult with us today!

Schedule here!

Listen to Episode 4 of Season 2 of the Empowered 2 Advocate podcast, Top Tips for Crafting Your Parent Concerns Statement.

Watch episode 4 of Season 2 of the Empowered 2 Advocate Podcast on Youtube! Top Tips to Craft Your Parent Concern Statement!


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